Kuliah Dek Rizky Psikologi

Ilmu pengetahuan tentang psikologi

Introduction to Clinical Psychology

Posted by Dek Rizky On April - 26 - 2009

Introduction to Clinical Psychology

What is clinical psychology?

  • A subfield of the large discipline of psychology
  • Conduct research on behavior and mental processes
  • Involvement in the assessment or measurement of the abilities and characteristics of individual human beings
  • Effort to help people who are psychologically distressed
  • Clinical attitude or clinical approach

The Activities of clinical psychologist

  • Assessment
  • Treatment
  • Research
  • Teaching
  • Consultation
  • Administration
  • Distribution of clinical activities
  • Clients and their problems
  • Employment settings and salaries or clinical psychologists
  • Socio – cultural diversity among clinical psychologist

The Roots of clinical Psychology

Psikologi Klinis

Posted by Dek Rizky On April - 10 - 2009

Clincial Psychology is

  • A subfield of the large discipline of psychology
  • Conduct research on behavior and mental process
  • Involvement in the assesment or measurement of the abilities and characteristics of individual human beings
  • Effort to help people who are psychology disstressed

Activitites of clinical psychology Read the rest of this entry »

Ruang Lingkup Psikologi Pendidikan

Posted by Dek Rizky On April - 6 - 2009

Ruang lingkup psikologi pendidikan menurut Good & Broopy ( 1997 )

  • Hubungan antara psikologi dengan guru
  • Manajemen kelas : Perkembangan dan sosialisasi anak kepemimpinan dan dinamika kelompok, modelling, reward, punishment, extinction. Hasil – hasil penelitian manajemen kelas, persiapan dan pelaksanaan pengajaran yang baik.
  • Mengurai masalah belajar : pengertian, prinsip, perbedaan individu dalam belajar, model dan desain belajar dan prinsip pengajaran
  • Pertumbuhan dan perkembangan dalam pendidikan : Prinsop dalam perkembangan fisik, kognitif, sosial dan kepribadian, kreativitas dan aplikasinya dalam pendidikan
  • Motivasi : Pengertian, teori dan aplikasinya dalam pendidikan
  • Evaluasi dalam belajar : pengertian, macam, cara menyusun, prosedur penilaian, monitoring kemajuan siswa, validiras dan realibilitas penggunaan statistik dalam pengolahan hasil tes Read the rest of this entry »

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